West Linton Orchard

Fruit list

1 40 55 59 Bramley Seedling
2 Mere de Menage
3 Hawthornden
4 34 60 66 68 Victoria
5 Clydeside
6 56 Lord Rosebery
7 Opal
8 Tam Montgomery
9 Cox’s Pomona
10 Catshead
11 East Lothian Pippin
12 Shropshire
13 Lord Derby
14 Golden Spire
15 Howgate Wonder
16 Alderman
17 41 Rivers Early Prolific
18 Longforgan
19 Golden Monday
20 Stark's Earliest
21 Maggie Sinclair
22 George Cave
23 Golden Pippin
24 Golden Bittersweet

25 Maggie Sinclair
26 Carlisle Codling
27 Orlean's Reinette
28 Red Falstaff
29 Hood's Supreme Czar
30 Tower of Glamis
31 Peasgood Nonsuch
32 Czar
33 49 54 Arthur Turner
35 Farleigh
36 52 53 Grenadier
37 Sam Young
38 Oslin (Arbroath Pippin)
39 Ellison's Orange
42 45 Fiesta Red Pippin
43 57 Charles Ross
44 Laxton's Fortune
46 Thorle Pippin
47 55 White Melrose
48 67 Merryweather
50 Egremont Russet
51 62 Stobo Castle
58 Katy (M Katja)
61 63 64 65 Discovery

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Orchard Fruit





Belle de Boskoop Apple Cooking/ Oct-Mar. Regular heavy cropper, apples large firm and juicy with reddish flush, keeps well. Vigorous. C, G, WL
Hawthornden Apple Cooking/ Aug-Oct. Reliable early cooker, large crisp & juicy. Compact habit heavy cropper. G, WL
Marjorie's Seedling Plum Cooking/ Sept/Oct. Reliable prolific cropper, fruit dark purple quite sweet when fully ripe. Good flavour. C, WL
Opal Plum PRUNUS/ Dessert plum Early August. Delicious flavour, reddish-purple sweet and juicy. Blooms mid (period 3), pollinated by any other plum blooming 2-4. Plant in well-drained soil to same depth as before, stake for 2yrs. Semi-dwarf rootstock, St. Julien A. Ideal for bush or fan C, G, WL
Hawthornden Apple Cooking/ Aug-Oct. Reliable early cooker, large crisp & juicy. Compact habit heavy cropper. G, WL